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Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Youtube can make it happen!

Ever had a dream that you always wanted, and didn't know how to full fill it?

Why don't you try Youtube?!

I was impressed with the news about 18 year old dutch singer, Esmee Denters whose claim to fame came when she was signed by Justin Timberlake for a professional contract. How did she do it? Simple. Post lots and lots of videos of herself singing on Youtube. And boy I tell you, they were good! Try it, maybe someday your Timberlake would come, too! lol..

And then there's a story of this woman even finding her soul mate via youtube. I don't know what kind of video she had on youtube, but with that, she included her name and phone number. She got lots2 and lots of phone calls everyday, probably once every few minutes or so. And one of them was lucky enough to receive her hand in marriage. Now, don't get me wrong here, I'm not encouraging anyone to do this one. But if you're desperate enough, or just for the fun of it, why don't give it a go? lol, again..

This next story really got me though. And it happened just recent, too. First, check this out:

His name is Rhain Davis. The grandfather's kid sent Manchester United a DVD of him playing soccer, and the result? He was actually signed by the giants! But talents that Rhain disposes are just extraordinary. Simply brilliant, and scary, too! At 9 years old, he's already doing samba style step-overs, dazzling runs, flip flops, turn overs, and his sprints are just breath-taking! Mesmorizing! He's certainly the future of soccer. Good luck for him!


Masita M. said...

aku nak menyanyi jugak lah dekat youtube.. lol

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

haha.. sore ko tak best
