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Thursday, August 16, 2007

It's so HOT!!

Yup, truly, no kidding, it's so, so hot! The weather that is.

Temperatures are soaring up to a high of 40+ degrees Celsius everyday. It's just blazing hot. And compared to Malaysia, there's no humidity here. So no matter the heat, you don't sweat much here. Some people like it that way, other's like it when they sweat.

But one thing I know, I can't last long outdoors anymore. I rather be in the 'safety' of my apartment than go outside. The heat is just unbearable for me.

Adding to that, those who wish to enter their cars during the day time will have to have the skin to bear with the oven-like heat in the car. No kidding! Well, maybe the temperature isn't as high as in the oven, but frankly, you'd bake your butt once you put it in the seat. You'd fry your hands when you touch the steering wheel. And you sweat all over.

Surely the heat from the hell fire is thousands of times greater and stronger than what we're facing today. Already you can't take this heat, too unbearable you say. Imagine what's it like in the hell fire... So, let's prepare ourselves towards being better Muslims, and InsyaAllah gain Allah's mercy for the life in the hereafter. Ameen..


Abdul Q said...

HEAT WAVE!! FRIES MY BRAIN! Nasib baik kereta aku ada aircond. Tapi tak lame lagi kereta kau pun nak ada aircond balik. Or you can get that BMW.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...


takpe2, nanti insyaAllah kete aku ade aircond... takpon klu mahal sangat, so long la kete tuh..aku carik kete lain..
