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Sunday, December 6, 2009

After So Long

I haven't been blogging for quite some time. The last post 'Sending Off Mak to Mekah' was with minimum words. I let the pictures do the talking for me, in an attempt to hide my insufficient writing power to even tell that straight forward story.

Heck, my last real post was way back on the 28th of September. How many years back was that?! Two months and a half to be exact.

I am seriously trying to kick start my blogging career again. Currently I am starting to write reports in my job as a forensic engineer, so I really need to salvage my writing skills before I lose them all together. Not to mention that I'm also succumbing to the many (read a few) requests to update my blog. I don't blame them. :)

But after that lost of writing momentum, it's really hard to get it back. I used to have ideas flowing continuously as I write, which is noticeably missing now. As Newton's First Law of Motion goes, albeit in a simpler manner, a non moving object will continue to stay motionless unless an outside force is applied to it. Same goes with blogging.

So bear with me folks as I endure this barren spell of blog posts. I miss my blog posts as much as you do :P ! But seriously, I might surprise you with a post sooner rather than later!


Bint Lazim said...

hek eleh koya gile weyyy. haha tak puas hati.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

itu die peminat no 1 sudah tibe. hahahahha..

mung gitu laa bint lazim. ado jah dop puas hati ngn aku. takpo2, nnt aku update lagi.

eh nok mudoh ke, mung g teman ashwaq jadi follower blog aku. loning ashwaq soghe jah. mung blo lagi?

Bint Lazim said...

hahaha. ew perasan giloss come on. sie moleps ko mung, aku bersimpati. hahahhaa. -_-"
