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Friday, August 8, 2008

TV1 yg Purba Kala

I don't have ASTRO installed in my house here in Terengganu, so sadly, I had to watch the live broadcast of the Olympics opening ceremony on TV1.

And I say sad for a reason. The broadcast was horrible! I could hardly make out the colors in tv. Each time there were bright colors, that color would cover the whole screen, making the details impossible to see. And it's not my tv!

It's disappointing indeed that TV1 were given the license to broadcast such an event. The Olympics is no doubt the most watched sports tournament in the world. TV1 clearly doesn't have the right technology to do such a thing. Their system is probably the same one used ages ago. Being the first television in Malaysia, it's a shame they haven't been able to develop.

And their commentators? Don't even mention that. They're embarrassing. Hasbullah Haji Awang is his name, and he is probably the sole RTM commentator. He's pathetic. He's always mixing up names, giving out wrong information, and know little about the sports he comments. And the fact that he's the commentator of every sport broad casted doesn't help at all.

So this guy Hasbullah was the co-commentator for the opening ceremony (I have no doubt he'll be commenting most of the sports later though), he had somebody else helping him. Never mind the fact they couldn't recognize some leaders/kings of respective countries as they were shown on tv, they couldn't even recognize some popular sports people. They failed to announce Taufik Hidayat (badminton) of Indonesia and Rafael Nadal (tennis) of Spain. Heck, they couldn't even pronounce the country names right! They failed to pronounce Mauritania on two attempts, pronouncing it as Marushina once. Lithuania was pronounced Lithuana.

Apart from the faults of RTM, the Olympics opening ceremony was great! The performances were extraordinary, matching the greatness of the Bird's Nest where it was held. What was even better was the sight of Palestine as a country. Even Iran was there as well.

One world, one dream. Go!


Nabilah Fatin said...

haha aku pun tgk opening ceremony kat tv1 tp tk tgk lama sbb penat tunggu kontinjen malaysia kluar, tk kluar2. hahaahah

btw aku dengar kat kuala terengganu dah ada giant dn tesco? hebat hebat! tulah kalau tk msti lepak kat mydin atau hock kee seng jee. hehe

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

huhu.. kejap je kontigen malaysia masuk.. die cam no 25 kot..

hehe.. kat ganu mmg dah ade pon.. kat kawasan library negeri tuh.. best2..haha..

ko ape cite sekarang?
