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Friday, April 4, 2008

What to do?

It's April! Which means, I'll be on my way back to Malaysia (insyaAllah) in more or less one month. I just can't wait. Been planning so much things to do once I get back!

However, April also signals the havoc period. It's the month of the FINALS!! UUUUU... How well will I do in them? Well, it depends on what I do now. Which means, I'll have to cut on a few things. Blogging, of course. You won't be seeing many new post this month. No way Jose! And than there's many more things I have to cut also (don't wanna bore you by putting them here).

(These aren't my books by the way. Got them off the internet)

Herm.. What else? OK. Many terrible things happened during the past month. May this month be more peaceful and harmony, Ameen.

I think that's enough of my mumbling. I wanna write more, but heck, no one would like reading them anyway. Membazir tenaga je kalau tulis panjang2 pon. haha..

I haven't had blog post like this in a long time. I don't really like writing things about myself in my blogs. I just don't feel my life is so exciting that everyone wants to know about it. LOL! I mean, I'm no celebrity. But having one or two every once in a while won't hurt now, would it?

Akhir kata, good luck in your preparations for your finals, good luck in any exams/presentations you still have before the finals, and finally, good luck in your finals! May we all succeed in this life and in the here after. InsyaAllah.

Till we meet again, wassalam!


Anonymous said...

alaaa...nak bace blog saper lagi lepas nih laaa?

Anonymous said...

ituhlah.. ahahahhaa

Anonymous said...

haha.'peminat hubab' tu sangatlah JIHA.

Anonymous said...

hehehe.. peminat hubab tuh bukan jiha.. orang laen.. jiha musuh aku.. die akan tulis 'musuh hubab'

Anonymous said...

hahahahahhahah. kelakar la peminat2 hubab ni.

tulah sem ni cam tak rasa langsung dah nak habis... aku cam terkejut gila bila baca kau tulis "april-signal of finals"

hahahahah. haih. menghitung hari. :(

Bint Lazim said...

oi slumber je.

aku baru baca weyh.
and never! wat? peminat hubab?
mintak jauh laa...


Anonymous said...

obviously peminat hubab tu ashwaq? LOL...hihi..
peace out..

Anonymous said...

hi abal!

Anonymous said...

peminat abal ni arif ke? hahahahahahahhahahahahha

wei mana peminat nabilah? tkkan tkde kot? common la.

jurai? lan? min? raihan? oh syaf? hahahahhahahaha

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

sorry nab, ko takde meminat di sini.. cube lagi..
