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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What Went Wrong

... Or right (depending on which side you're on).

One might wonder what caused the ruling party for 51 years, BN, suffer such a heavy defeat in this year's election. I mean, there weren't any grand case behind it, like the one in 1999. Takde pun rusuhan kaum ke, ulangan peristiwa berdarah Mamali ke (the closest was probably last year's incident in terengganu), or anything similar for that matter. So what stirred the Malaysians? What woke them up from their slumber?

I'm no professional political analyzer, nor am I trying to be one. But here, I'd like to share my opinions on what I think happened prior to the 12th General Election in Malaysia and how the all so mighty Barisan Nasional was proven not so mighty after all. Order these points however you want, I'm just jotting them down.

First of all, you can't deny the effects of the Internet. I say without the Internet, BA couldn't have achieved what it has achieved today. And with the internet, comes YouTube, the never ending provider of videos worldwide. One can now witness the true colors of Malaysian Parliament debates and many more with the click of a button. And then there's countless blogs, sharing and debating indefinite ideas and beliefs, some radical, while others rather mediocre. Other than that, online newspapers, most notably Malaysiakini, provide unbiased news to all it's subscribers, opening eyes to behind the scenes incidents of Malaysia's politic, which obviously won't be found in pro-government media. The internet has also actually made Harakah much easier to access than ever before with the existence of Harakahdaily.

Then there's Tun Mahathir, the highly outspoken ex-Prime Minister. His views, insults, and propagandas has taken it's toll on the perspective of Malaysians toward Pak Lah and indirectly the ruling party itself. Mahathir was the one electing Abdullah as TPM a few years back and singled him out as his eventual successor. Once he had doubt's and regrets of his past decision, the people under Mahathir, his followers and so on would have doubts also.

Overconfidence. Here, we could actually see history repeating itself. But 4 years ago, it was the opposition who suffered. Back than, Pas and the gang were overconfident in defending Terengganu and Kelantan, and even bragged about winning Kedah. Recall what happened then. Guess people just don't learn, do they?

The increase of oil prices and other daily goods. It shares an inversely proportional relationship with the government. If prices of everyday goods increase, hence votes would decrease.

The ever continuing corruption within the government which includes, bribery, money politics, lies, diversions from within, scandals (including sex too), involvement of cronies, discrimination and so on. When will all this come to a halt?

Then there's the downfall of moral fiber among youngsters. Malays, Chinese, Indians, no one is excepted. And Muslims, for that matter, uphold moral fibers dearly in our lives. But the existence of night clubs, for instance, which allows anyone to enter, doesn't help at all. One leads to another, and with alcohol, comes all those unhealthy social problems we read in our everyday newspapers. And without proper surveillance and law enforcements from the authorities in charge, minors would continue to be corrupted. Very bad idea, as even Umar Al-Khattab once said and I quote, "If you want to see the future of one nation; look at it's youth," I for one don't want my nation be ruled with people like that.

But then again, it's not only our youth thats being 'polluted'. The rate at which rape cases, robbery, murder, and etc are inclining is at a very worrying level. I know people might beg to differ, but Hudud anyone?

These are just some points that I can think of now. Are there more? Sure there are, countless to be exact. The ruling party has been in charge for 51 years. Isn't it time for a change?


Ashwaq said...

haha...really long entry...hope that the outcome of this election is a turning point to our democratic practice in Malaysia...a louder voice from the opposing side is indeed interesting and let us see what they can do to make Malaysia a better place and make right of what went wrong..^_^

Anonymous said...

What went right?
>people vote for justice
>people vote for humanity
>people become matured
>people ready crossing racial border

lets reflect the phrase from Al-Quran Surah at-taubah: 40
kalimatullahi hiya al-'ulya
>:Allah's Word it was that became the uppermost
>no matter who is calling using Allah's word that will be the uppermost even the non-believer.
>even if the non-believer ask us iqaamah the prayer we must follow because it is the call for Allah.
>This is what happen in the election. people that call by Allah 's word; for justice, humanity and the equal of it wins.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

insyaAllah we will see a better and brighter malaysia in the years to come. Ameen..

I welcome everyone to share their thoughts and ideas regarding this very hot issue here. After all, it's everyone's Malaysia!

Anonymous said...

ak cm nk tmbh sket..even BA stil ade prob..

PAS ngn DAP tkleh bersatu.. so cm kat perak ngn selangor tataw da cmne nk bina kerajaan..

problem nk lantik mnteri besar. DAP mng lg byk dr sume. tp cm die tkleh tubuh if tkde PAS + keadilan.

dorg punye concept lain. cina nk mng cina lah. lim kit siang ckp
DAP sokong DAP. tp menteri besar perak tkleh org bukan Islam dan bukan Melayu jadi.

Anonymous said...

interesting comment there anonymous...
the fact remains, that its time to try something new...
depending on other people views and what not, only time can tell....

"The reason that BN faced a huge loss is not because of the rakyat's fondness towards the oppositions party, but rather their hatred towards the current government." -Dr. M

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

yeah, that's what I read.

DAP was willing to give the MB tuh PAS, but with some terms..

and true, only time can tell whether or not malaysians made the right decision or not. but hopefully the right one lah.

I think the quotation from dr. M there also implied to what happen in 1999.

Anonymous said...

erm..i think that malaysia had shown lack of judgement especially for those in kedah,penang,perak and is obvious that the increase of oil price,goods, toll,and some big cases like hindraf and the sex tape had change the view of public. but we must think carefully.. the oil price increament not only happen in malaysia..but all over the is logical that this situation also happen in a result of the increase,all other goods also increase.. as for the case of rusuhan, perhimpunan2.. i think that is totally (haha) the fault of PM because for me he seems so my atuk..heheh...i think these is the fault of administration..
so, for me there's nothing wrong with the gov now,except some minor problems..if only people can think more throughly and carefully..

satu lagi..pas dap pkr sume mane tau care2 nak tadbir negara..mane ader pengalaman langsung.. negara sedang maju ni..diorang kalu naik..risau gak aku.. =p

Anonymous said...

harap2 ader ahh perubahan kat negara lepas BA dapat kuasa ni.
its time for change.koh2.
dan aku harap gak rasuah2,coruption2,atlantuya, VK Lingam,more sex tape (hahaha), dan lain2 lagi bender2 buruk yang tak terbongkar akan terbongkar la lepas ni.
semoga Allah menunjukkan kebenaran yang pasti.aminn...

p/s: sorang bekas adun bn(pelabuhan kelang) dah meninggal dunia tadi.hurm.yg tgl mahligai besar yang kiter tak tau dtg dari maner sumber duit tu.huh

Anonymous said...

Malaysian people had shown their lack of judgment? Are you sure about that? Selangor which its residents are on average very well educated voted for PKR. Was it a lack of judgment? We don't judge our people yet, just wait and see what BA can do, and then you judge. That's what I'd call a fair and square judgment! Maybe, we should look at America's politics and get matured on politics!

Unknown said...

malaysia 12th to be d turning point to our country..
at least, it wakes d goverment from their sweet dream
seriously, i dun think it's about d barang naik harge..or PKR/DAP/PAS is better than BN(cos we dun even noe how they are)
but it's about...we sick of watching all those drama these ppl(goverment) been playing
our country doesnt change dat much since d last terms of development(except for terengganu of course)
hopefully wit dis huge lose would end up good

Aicha said...

"Hudud anyone?"
In the radio once (here), someone called to complain about the hudud law in Saudi. The DJ cool-ly replied, "When we hear about crime like rapes and paedophiles, we often say we wanna shoot/kill the criminal. Well, they're (Saudi) actually doing it!"

I agree with what Dr.M said. People are so desperate for change that they will vote for anyone BUT the government.

And to saperin, when the oil prices globally went back down recently, Malaysia continued to keep it's elevated price and in fact, elevated it some more. Satu alasan, negara lain (e.g. UK) pun harga minyak lebih kurang. OK, fine kalau nak sama dengan harga UK, but then make sure gaji pun sama mahal dengan orang UK le. Bus drivers in UK earn at least GBP1000 (almost RM7000) at the start of their job. No one working in the government sector in Malaysia gets that amount at the start.

And who says diorang (BA) takde pengalaman mentadbir? Terengganu and Kelantan pernah ditadbir BA. And walaupun orang luar nampak Kelantan mundur/tak maju, kalau rakyat tak happy, for sure they wouldn't continue choosing the Islamic government. Happiness and development is not measured on besarnya airport, kristalnya masjid, banyaknya cawan monsun, atau hebatnya kompleks sukan. And sebelum2 ni, banyak je state and parliamentary seats dipegang oleh orang BA, and they did their job, coz otherwise people wouldn't vote for them. Sekarang dengan gabungan leaders yang mantap, I don't see any big problem in administration.

One more thing, although educational background bukanlah segala2nya dalam menentukan kepandaian mentadbir, it does play a very big role, I'd say. The US is run by a C student, hence all the crap. If BN wants to brag about the 'legendary' Oxford graduate, Lembah Pantai can brag about their John Hopkins masters graduate. MB Kedah pun bukan orang sembarangan.

Just my 2 cents yang macam terlajak jadi blog entry.

Ikhwan said...

Izinkan saya bertutur dalam bahasa ibunda..kerana saya kurang yakin dengan English saya.
okay, anggapkan diri saya orang umno dulu.. kirenye point of view saya dari umno, kenapa umno kalah 5 negeri.

Di Kelantan
1. Barisan Nasional terlalu beriya2 nak tawan kelantan, sampaikan sanggup sediakan pengangkutan bas.. dahla diberikan bas, diberikan pula duit RM300/RM200 satu kepala pengundi.
-setelah post mortem dijalankan oleh umno kelantan, "Menteri Besar Bayangan Umno" iaitu Awang Adek tersilap perkiraan, kerana menyangkakan rakyat kelantan yang berhijrah di bandar2 besar semuanya menyokong penuh Barisan Nasional.
Awang Adek juga menyesal kerana dikatakan senario penduduk Kelantan itu sendiri telahpun menyokong penuh Barisan Nasional. Jadi dengan membawa balik pengundi-pengundi luar yang belum pasti berpihak sebelah mana, adalah satu tindakan yang kurang mantap.

Di Peringkat Nasional
1. Faktor kenaikan harga barang keperluan harian, makanan, minyak, serta kos sara hidup yang tinggi akibat tol, cukai dan sebagai nye sedikit sebanyak menghimpit rakyat terutama golongan peniaga kecil.
-rata2 di pasar2 peniaga mengeluh, terkesan dek kos sara hidup yang makin tinggi, dan para peniaga ini sememangnya muafakat dikalangan mereka, dan mereka bertemu pembeli2 setiap hari.. sedikit sebanyak ada juga yang sempat bersembang tentang kepimpinan Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yang lemah dalam mengawal kenaikan harga.

2. Faktor Mahathir, yang seringkali membidas Paklah sejak terbatalnya pembinaan jambatan bengkok. Memang ada asasnya Mahathir membidas Paklah, dari pembatalan jambatan bengkok sehingga Wilayah Pembangunan Iskandar. Semuanya sedikit sebanyak merugikan dan menggadaikan negara.

3. Banyak lagi faktor lain yang berpunca daripada AAB, seperti memperkenalkan Islam Hadhari yang jelas mendapat sedikit tempias atau tentangan dari golongan Ulama mahupun dari golongan bukan Islam.
-menyebut tentang Islam Hadhari ini, golongan ulama menentang bukan kerana dasar Islam Hadhari bertentangan, Islam Hadhari yang diperkenalkan AAB memang tiada bercanggah dari Islam jika dilihat di atas kertas. Namun perlaksanaan sebenar Islam Hadhari di negara ini jelas tidak mencerminkan apa yang diperkenalkan Paklah itu. Konsert2 semakin banyak, pusat2 maksiat tetap bercambah dan tiada sekatan terhadap orang Islam ke tempat2 tersebut, nak berbuat apa pun boleh. Nak menari? GRO dari orang Islam, semuanya ada. Malah yang lebih menyedihkan, AAB sendiri tidak mencerminkan diri beliau sebagai pemimpin Islam Hadhari, jelas kita dapat lihat,beliau juga dilihat dari gambar2, berpeluk salam dengan wanita, isteri2 AAB, isteri2 pemimpin UMNO, dan pemimpin2 UMNO di kalangan wanita sendiri tidak menutup aurat. Ini tandanya Islam Hadhari yang dibawakan paklah tiada makna langsung melainkan sekadar namanya sahaja.
Bagi orang bukan Islam pula, mereka yang tidak faham tentang agama Islam ni, menganggap AAB kini ke arah lebih Islamik dengan memperkenalkan Islam Hadhari. Itu yang mereka takutkan.

4. Masalah dalaman UMNO juga punca kekalahan, sebagaimana kita lihat, sebelum PRU12, banyak pemimpin UMNO mula berbalah sebagai contoh di perlis. Mungkin ada lagi yang masalah dalaman lain, seperti faktor Khairy. Tidak perlu lagi saya jelaskan, rasanya semua sudah tahu siapa Khairy ni.

5. Selain itu, faktor Anwar juga dilihat memberi kesan kepada kekalahan BN. Anwar begitu menonjol, seolah2 dia yang bertanding di semua 222 kerusi parlimen.. Faktor Anwar mmg tidak boleh dinafikan lagi. Beliau mewujudkan manifesto BA yang menuju ke arah negara berkebajikan. Pendidikan percuma, harga minyak diturunkan, rawatan kesihatan percuma, apa lagi yang dimahukan rakyat? Namun begitu kenyataan yang dibuat pemimpin UMNO yang membidas bahawa negara akan bankrap juga adalah satu tindakan yang kurang cerdik, rakyat kini dapat berfikir, dan tidak lagi bodoh untuk menerima bulat2. Rasuah di kalangan pemimpin Barisan Nasional juga tidak boleh dibendung lagi, semua orang tahu. Jadi poin mengatakan negara akan bangkrap adalah sama sekali tidak benar,.. Jika selama ini negara ini yang dipenuhi rasuah masih boleh bertahan, tidak bangkrap, mustahil manifesto BA yang mahu kerajaan bersih, beramanah dan berkebajikan dapat membankrapkan negara.

6. Faktor Media yang berat sebelah. Isu BERSIH yang jelas menuntut pilihanraya adil, tetapi tidak mendapat perhatian media juga menyebabkan rakyat menyampah dengan media.. Media negara ini dikawal sepenuhnya oleh BN.. Tidak dapat tidak, rakyat rata2 sudah menyampah dengan media yang berat sebelah. Ini memang memberi kesan negatif kepada BN yang memerintah kerana BN lah yang mengawalnya. Lihat sahajalah, iklan2 kempen pilihanraya yang boleh dikatakan selang 5 minit di televisyen juga menunjukkan BN menguasai media. Rakyat kini mula nampak realiti sebenar, oleh itu ramai yang beralih kepada blog2..memandangkan berbanding 5 tahun dulu, peratusan akses internet di rumah adalah lebih tinggi pada masa kini. Blog2 politik mula bercambah seperti cendawan, kalau dulu yang ada cuma Mahazalim, dan Mahafiraun. Kini terdapat puluhan, mungkin ratusan blog yang membicarakan tentang politik.

7.. rasenya ada lagi.. tetapi saya rasa saya perlu berhenti setakat ni dulu...Hm..lagipun saya rasa kamu dah dapat idea kenapa BN kalah teruk kali ni..masing2 punya pendapat..

Next comment, "Kenapa BA kalah di Terengganu"

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

thanks for the comments everyone.

I really enjoyed reading your comments uti. they're always good. sure it's long, but look at the other comment kat bawah tuh, lagi pnajang!

and betol tuh elisya.. the current government have been sleeping, and it's time to wake them up. just look at pak lah!

There's always a start for everything. Just look at the US for example. The two most likely to be elected presidential candidates, Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton are both minoirites. One is African-American and the latter is a women. Neither race nor gender is proven to be able to lead the US, but are people writing them off? No, and they're continuing to recieve support from all walks of life.

People all always scared of what they don't know. This suerly is the case here...

Anonymous said...

Rakyat dah bersuara, bak kata Tun Mahathir, rakyat Malaysia bukan undi pembangkang kerana mereka suka pembangkang, tapi undi mereka kerana tidak suka akan kerajaan sekarang. Aku percaya, BN masih lagi pilihan rakyat sekiranya PAK LAH undur diri..

*Rakyat semua lihat, menantu diangkat setinggi2nya dalam UMNO dan kerajaan. Walau ape pon alasan Pak Lah, rakyat tak akan terima kroni dlm keluarga itu sendiri.

*Kroni itu penting, untuk luaskan pengaruh. Ini dah mainan politik sejak dulu lagi. (jgn kata pembangkang x main kroni la)Tapi bila kroni itu libatkan keluarga, itu rakyat tak boleh terima.

*PRU 12 adalah pilihan raya utk memilih calon yg kurang teruk..ini dah parah..

*Aku masih percaya yg BN boleh tadbir negara ni lebih baik dari PAS berdasarkan ape yg aku alami semasa PAS di Terengganu dulu.(haji hadi tu lagi teruk main kroni, nasib kuasa x besar mane).

*Kalo Hadi bertanding dkt kelantan pon aku rasa dia kalah, bagai langit dgn bumi beza nye dgn Tok Guru Nik Aziz kita..Respect Tuk aku, rakyat Kelantan dan Terengganu buat pilihan yg tepat..

*Undur LAH..

Masita M. said...

sangat setuju dengan anonymous

Anonymous said...

ermm nk ckp pasal Msia ni wa xde ah reti sgt...x tau sgt pun pe yg terjd kt sne tp dr pe yg wa tgk, dgr n teliti mmg nmpk sgt la yg Msia ni corrupted giler...bkn ah nk kutuk ke ape tp wa kesian ah negara tanah tumpahnya darahku jadi camtu...

ermm camni ah...nk g banding2 Msia tu ngan US ke UK ke Jepun ke mne2 ah bg wa mmg x kemane ah kn...
US tu tgk skang mmg ah derang dh ok tp klu nk ikutkn pun x la ok mne...pasal derang ni leh trime pompuan lead, org kulit lain lead; jom tgk sejarah baper lme derang amik mase utk smpi thp leh trime pompuan ni...dr diorang iktiraf "independence" thn 1776...thn 1920 br women dpt right utk tang tu start2 nk d treated equally...kire ah bape lame...orang asing lak thn 1940-an, 1960-an ke atas br di amek kire equality derang dlm US...xkan la Msia pun nk amek mse lme tu kut ??

satu ah yg wa rse Msia ni kne amek sbg cth...since US ni independence...bape kali derang tukar care derang govern US until derang jumpe da proper one...

soo rse nyer x terlmbt la kut utk Msia cube org lain lak memerintah...50 thn dh yg satu je memerintah, x slh pun tukar care klau x nk tukar org pun...Msia kn negara wa thts the whole point of "membangun"...
ni br 50thn...xkan nk tunggu 100thn?? acu try test jom!

ermmm tp ni pe yg wa rse je laaa...

Anonymous said...

Ashwaq said...


kroni...saye setuju...sebenarnye saye tak berape paham ape maksud searched and got this...
cronyism: Favoritism shown to old friends without regard for their qualifications, as in political appointments to office.

saye rase kalau ape yang anonymous kate tg haji hadi amalkan kronisme, banyak bezanya antara kronisme orang BN dan orang PAS nih...saye rase it is because rakan2 dia sumenye ade qualifications untuk jalankan tugas itu... and UMNO boleh kate..kronisme sebab..nak jage kebajikan anak bini and kelaurge terdekat jee...and juga kroni yang banyak mengampu dan bagi duit...tengok laa..bukannye amanah dalam menjalankan tugas sebagai menteri...kebajikan rakyat bukan sahaja tak meningkat..malahan bertambah teruk lagi...dari segi pendapatan rakyat hinggalah ke rohani rakyat yang dah semakin punah...

and tade lagi proof untuk kate BA tak reti nak memerintah...sebab selame nih kite hanye tengok pemerintahan kerajaan BN je for freaking 50 years! 5 tahun PAS memerintah di terengganu takleh nak guna as judgement sebab dahlaa baru satu penggal, plus dengan kerajaan pusat yang tanak beri bantuannye....tapi 4 tahun bawah BN..nampaknye kadar kemiskinan rakyat terengganu makn naik..ape cite? pandai memerintah ke macam tu..u tell me....kelantan saye rase adalah contoh negeri yang lebih maju, kaya and aman compared to negeri2 jiran lain bawah BN...orang bukan Islam pon tade lari keluar dari kelantan...not to my knowledge laa...

but i know...nothing's perfect, tapi at least kite tau..perjuangan PAS adalah untuk Islam..and saye rase..ramai yang bace blog ni Islam pon..and kalau bukan Islam pon it's okay...perjuangan Islam won't hurt you, it'll benefit you too...contoh terbaik Rasulullah memimpin Madinah...ramai je bukan Islam tinggal di Madinah tuh...aman je...tade penindasan pon..pemahaman yang betul perlu diberi pada rakyat ..kerajaan kita selame nih..mengenepikan semua tuh...bile kerajaan negeri under pembangkang nak jalankan hukum Islam..derang lagi meghalang jalan itu...bukan nak membantu beri pendedahan pada rakyat...nih tak..lagi biarkan rakyat lost in the dark and takut tak pasal2 bile mention pasal hudud..wassup with that?....tapi kerajaan BN kite still claim yang Malaysia nih negara Islam..beria-ria menjaje Islam Hadhari...hummm??? ad apa dengan Islam Hadhari yang tiade dalam Islam yang Allah sampaikan?...sape nak jawaaab ^_^

wallahua'lam...nih hanyelaa pendapat seorang yang nak memberi pendapat...terbuka pada kritikan...

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

To Anonymous...
OK, I don't deny the influence Nik Aziz has on people, being old and nice as he is. His influence is also very much more than that of Haji Hadi. But to say that Haji Hadi would lose in Kelantan is too much.

and aku pon orang terengganu.. the only problem yg ade aku rase ble kerajaan pusat taknak bagi duit ntuk kerajaan terengganu je.. mmg ade la jugak bende2 tak patut, macam ade exco berlagak ape sume time tuh.. but then again, nothing is perfect. It's a case of choosing which is better.

To Mui (wa lol)
Betol2.. mmg dah tibe mase kite ntuk berubah.. aku pon taknak tunggu 50 puluh tahun lagi.. tak tahan dah..

To Ashwaq..
betol jugak you mentioned that takleh banding sangat pentadbiran terengganu oleh Pas for 5 years, and banding ngn pentadbiran kerajaan pusat..

klu nak banding pon banding la ngn kelantan.. terengganu dah bape puluh tahun dah bawah BN? PAS ambik kelantan 20 tahun lebih jauh lagi maju dari Terengganu..

there's this one mall construction kat tepi stesen bas die trg. Ever since i came back to malaysia in 1996, until the last time i was in terengganu (2006) tak siap2.. agaknye sampai sekarang pon tak siap lagi.. somebody update me on that..
