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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Slander in BH

A friend of mine via YM told me that a friend of hers told her that the newly elected Pas government of Kedah closed down 80 kindergartens in that state.

I took that news with a pinch of salt. I mean, for crying out loud, a newly elected government would have much higher priorities than to go close down kindergartens. 80 tuh, bukannye sikit (agaknye derang pikir memang dalam memoredum PAS kot nak tutupkan tadika tuh, tu pasal buat cepat2). Heck I don't even think that the government is even fully established yet there. I mean even the new MB, Ustaz Azizan Abdul Razak was just sworn into office yesterday. Why would it want to close down schools for helpless kids?

Than I opened Harakah daily and this is what I found. My gut feelings were right after all.


Ashwaq said...

biase laa...derang awal2 nih laa nak wat kecoh...memang laju jer media massa utama nih nak menabur cerite...ade lagi kes nak melage kan DAP dan PAS di Perak...dan juga kes di Selangor yang lebih kurang samenye dengan yang berlaku di Kedah, kononnye kerajaan baru arah tutup tadika KEMAS dan juga shut down departments...huhu...

Ashwaq said...

here is the link to things happening in Selangor..

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

thanks ashwaq for sharing that..
like i said, kerajaan pon tak hbs bentok lagi. ape ke jadah pergi carik keje bodoh2 tutup tadika..

ingat PAS ni shallow minded macam tuh ke? they're highly educated people too.

Anonymous said...

salam...kadang2 pk kelakar pulak..org2 yg buat fitnah tu smue tk bleh pk ke, org Msia skrg dah bleh pk mane btul n tak..ridiculous gile kn..itula...Allah dah tunjuk sape betul n sapa yg salah...cant wait to see the new dawn of msia...takbir!!huhu...n u knw 1 thing, ad dlm youtube, siarkn psl Mahathir ngaku die yg sengaja tuduh anwar bersalah(kwn ak ckp)...geram je rase...Fitnah tu dahla lebih buruk dr membunuh...pastu skrg duk surh paklah resign..satu ayt yg die ckp, i admit that ive done wrong when i choose him(Pak Lah) as the next pm..

Anonymous said...

stended ahh tu...ader jer nak burukkan org...nak wat diorang...
yg dpt pihak pembangkang buat hanya bersabar jer laa...
diorang duk sibuk2 psl pembangkang..padahal hal kat terengganu tu tak selesai2 agi..huhuh..menteri besar terengganu pun tak lantik agi , dah nak kecoh2 kat lain..aper daa..

fakhruddin87 said...

assalamualaikum my old frenz.i miss u all..heheh..yeah,a very interesting topic,and congratulation to hubab for this blog,cause i think this is the best way for us to get more closer,sharing our opinions ond so on..about this political thing,i'm totally a lah,just donno wat to say..just go with the flow.sometimes,we think this is better for some reason,but maybe it's not for other reason.AAB try to develop our country using his own ways,but yeah,laen org,laen for me,i just pray for the best to our country,doesnt matter pas rules or bn rules.n kerajaan spatutnye lebih adil,mcm ms ps memerintah trg..sikit je duet bn bnyk xtaw citer di sebalik de sape2 de cite psl tu,nape ms pas,cm xbnyk duet,time bn,bnyk plak duet?
