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Thursday, March 27, 2008

'Changing Wind'

It's been a while since I updated anything else besides politic related post. Maklumla, pilihan raya baru lepas... And even though masalah kat Trg doesn't seem to be fully over, I decided I'll call it off for a while in updating that issue. Pening kepala dibuatnye.. lol.

The reasons?
  • Malaysian politics is a very sensitive issue. Silap je kate, sume terasa..
  • The difficulty in persuading others. Once you support one side, it's difficult to make them chose otherwise. Datang la ape2 bukti or ape2, they won't even budge. Macam kes lingam la.. dah ade bukti recording pon boleh berdalih lagi... uhuhu...
  • Like Amar mentioned in his post, the inability of some to respect other people's thoughts. Show respect people!
  • Malaysian politics is very complicated. Takkan berkesudahan...
  • Ketegangan2 yg wujud once different political views are considered..
Why do these situations occur? Heck, I have no idea! And heck, I'm not in a mood to dwell about it either. One thing for sure is that these have to change if we are ever to develope.


Bint Lazim said...

oi update blog. kijow ah weyy!

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

mari doh budok serabut wat kaca... haha.. down dok mung dgr gitu?

aku susun map tadi ok.. letih ok..

Ashwaq said...

the things we have in common far outnumber and outweigh those that divide us-walt disney

its to grow up's just different stands about political's not as if someone is bringing in ajaran sesat or sumthing...ok dah merepek..tata

Anonymous said...

just sthng yg bermain difikiran...

r u a gov scholor?
is it not a breach of contract if you involve in all this politics thingy...

gentle reader.

Anonymous said...

ape yang kamu merepek ni hubab?
lawan tetap lawan.. mana boleh biarkan..

kalau semua mahasiswa mcm kamu..
alamat bermaharajalela lah juak2 BN ni di Malaysia..

respek tu respek jugak, tapi kalau dah tahap terang-terangan depan mata depa buat dajal, nak respek apenya lagi. Bukan setakat Linggam Tape tu je. Tu hah, yang natang tu
siap rakam dalam TV lagi..TV3 ade, NTV7 pun ade..

Tapi buat rilek je..

anonymous..yang takut bersuara tu, cuma budaya UMNO je.. siapa bersuara, memang kena cantas..

Serupa Mukhriz mase mula2 dia mintak Paklah letak jawatan terang2an..
Paklah dengan selambe je, suruh Ketua Pemuda Amno setelkan dia..Bukannye Paklah sendiri nak bidas..

Isu MB terengganu pun same.. Dalam tv duk tunjuk hari2 yang DJ ngn 22 adun lain merayu pada istana, utk lantik DJ jadi mb..

Kenapa tv xnak highlight sebab2 kenapa Idris ditolak jadi MB? Rakyat pun nak tau jugak..

hubab, kalau dah xnak cakap pasal benda ni pun terpulang lah.. itu hak kamu..

cuma lawan tetap lawan.. kalau xtulis politik, xbermaksud kita dah berhenti melawan ^^

Anonymous said...

wow anonymous,
calm down.
haha. He said he's sick with these irresponsible, immature people that is so sensitive when talking about politics in Malaysia making him wanna take a break for a while.
And suddenly, you divert the issue to some other issues.
About what you say terang2an, i agree that some of the issue are just obviously wrong but that doesn't mean we have to lose our patience and keep shouting and yelling macam anjing menyalak bukit.
We disagree but let's keep our patience on.
Nasib baik you last line shows your maturity and your ability to accept other people's thought as Hubab stated in his post.
All in all, to everybody. Don't be or sound emotional with other people's opinion. Be it politic, economic, religious, racial, etc. Berbincang, bkn bergaduh

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

to first anonymous..
I hope the government doesn't find it wrong to debate and discuss certain issues. It's not that I'm condemning them membati buta je.. so insyaAllah it'll be alright.

to second anonymous..
sorry to say, butt his is the type of things that make me pening kepala.

i never said anything about backing down from my stance. i never said anything about letting them bermaharaja lela. of course, ble kite nampak sumtin tak kena, kite kene tegur..

i was merely saying that I wanted to take a break (although it does seem that you've sucked me back in).

the respect i was talking about referred to respecting your fellow colleagues' ideas. They might have a different stand, so listen and respect it. bidas boleh, jangan kutuk.. and bidas pon biarla intellectually.

But from what I understand, you're talking about respect to those yg memang terang2an buat salah, tapi taknak mengaku.. sure, it's hard to respect people like that. but like wisdombin kate, try to keep our cool, itu baru hebat. not that i'm saying we should just stay quite.. something like, 'diam2 ubi berisi.'

boleh? may this be an iktibar for all of us, insyaAllah.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

p/s: hal terengganu tuh, i have no idea dah.. like i've said, I wanted to take a short break... lagipon i had an exam last night.. so i have no idea.. someone enlighten me on that one please..
