I've been waiting for almost 4 years now to get my degree. So what's that compared to the three weeks or so until I finish class? It's everything! The anticipation, excitement, and joy of finally about to hold a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering is just too much to bare. To top that, I still have another week or so to go after finishing class until my commencement.
But then again comes the despairing and dismaying fact that I'll be leaving Vandy for good. Haih.. Now that's something I'm gonna surely miss. But heck, life moves on, and it stops for no one.
Pray that all goes well insyaAllah. To my fellow seniors, all 21 of them, good luck!
hubab terharu la bace post nieh~
nnt dah x jmpe hubab lg..
lepak luu abby.. this post is nothing yet. kiotrg ade kat sini 2 bulan pon lagi.. lame lagi tu..
a very2 gudluck!
letak la pict kat vandy ke ape..
ni letak yang kat carbondale..
haih la
Ahhh. Dah nak grad!!
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