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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Jihad Here and There

Jihad, as we all know it, means to struggle or strive. In the general Islamic context, jihad usually refers to striving in the way for Allah.

We've seen many declarations of jihad in the world. We have or have had jihad in Afghanistan and Iraq against the Americans, jihad in Palestine against Israel, jihad in Chechnya against the Russians, in India and many other parts of the world. Take note that these jihads were very big ones indeed, against the enemies of Islam.

But recently, we had a jihad declaration here in our beloved Malaysia. Unbelievable? Believe it! Wanita UMNO, through it's deputy chief, Datu' Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil declared a jihad war against DSAI in the Permatang Pauh by election. Sure it is, Shahrizat. :) Don't you just love wannabes?

Read full story here.


Anonymous said...

kadang2 risau yg amat apabila ramai kalangan melayu yg salahguna bahasa, kalimat agama dipermain2kan /tidak kena pada tempatnya.
pemimpin2 macam tu makin ramai. sekarang timbul pulak kegiatan sumpah2...nanti jadi sesumpah baru tau..
mula2 si sayfool, pastu najib, baru semalam si kojol rosli mantan mbperak.buat salah buat jahat takpayah ke court terus aje angkat sumpah2...lama2 jadi sampah.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

huhuhu.. tuh r.. sekarang trend maen sumpah2 pulok.. ape nak jadi...
