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Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A little mischief that's JPA

So we were told in the newspapers that according to Bajet 2008 which was announced by our Prime Minister Dato' Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that we would receive an increase of up to 97% for our monthly allowance. The increase was said to be due last Sepetember.

So it's now November. Last September, when all was excited about the 'increase' we were hampered come the end of the month when we found out there was no increase on that month's scholarship. I was expecting that, so not much was felt.

Then came October. We were more excited this time. And the JPA students, were more then ever. They hoped to be getting around 2000 bucks (97% increase) . When I checked mine that morning, I got ~400, which meant, still no increase. Again, bummer.

The shock was to the JPA students however when they found out not only did they not get the increase, they suffered a decrease! Instead of getting 1200, they only got 1000. Which meant they only get 300+ for every month. Later, I learned, according to a source (I think it was Doc V), that students under JPA did receive an increase actually, by 20% (or 25%). But then, the government changed the policy of paying our residential halls. They terminated the 60/40 policy, so now, they'll subtract the residential cost straight from our allowance, leaving the JPA students with that one thousand. huh.

So much for the increase. Such political.

Last week, I went to the annual Raya MSD open house at Washington DC and ya Allah, the food was tremendously good. The food was authentic Malay; some sort of nasi, ayam masak merah, rendang, sate, roti jala, gulai ayam, acar, and kuih raya. I think I'm missing a few. Basically, we all just hogged into the meal, and ate like I don't know what!

But I'm not here to talk about the food. Before the makan2, there were speeches from the Malaysian Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Rajmah Hussain, then there was one from the guess of honour, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, the TPM's wife. The latter speech is the one I want to talk about.

Yes, in her about an hour speech (maybe less), she did mention about hari raya, for a good 15 minutes or so. Then she mentioned about all her travels to Russia, Paris, and England during the pass week. She came to US because her daughter wanted her to come visit. Then came her long, lengthy political talk. First she mentioned about the government's generosity in increasing the monthly allowance, and then the achievements achieved during their 50 years of ruling. She also told us not to believe everything in the Internet as most of them are lies about the government, which according to her, is all good. Later in her speech, she said that if we were to change governments, our country would lose it's political stability and then be like those which are in war. duhh..

So, that's my political talk for the time being.

Owh, btw, I learned later that Dato' Dr. Anwar Ibrahim's two daughters, Hana, and her younger sister (I don't remember her name) were also present at the open house. I didn't get a chance to see them though. At first the host were rather hesitant in deciding whether or not to allow the girls to come, due to the fact that Rosmah was also present. However, they later allowed them to come with the idea that Rosmah wouldn't even recognize them in the 150+ crowd. Alhamdulillah, that happened to be the case and nothing out of the norm happened, and all were happy.


Anonymous said...

I know! Such a bummer!
The MARA officer in London called me the other day and told me our increase will start at the end of Nov, and we'll get a backlog of the previous months.
I'm quite lucky coz I'm staying in a house. But for those staying in uni halls of residence, the abolishment of the 60-40 scheme is quite hard for them.
And while many of the students are suffering becoz they have to now opt out of halls coz tak mampu bayar, budak2 yang duk London, Oxford and Cambridge berbahagia coz they do get a 97% increase up to GBP950 (almost RM7000!). MARA pun tak faham why diorang dapat banyak sangat. Nak buat camana, diorang anak2 Tan Sri dan Dato'. Kita orang kebiasaan sahaja.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

owh, really? orang2 kat london sume tu orang besar2 eh?
dang.. mane aci..
bukan sbb bandar2 tuh besar ke derang dapat banyak? tapi still, besar mane pon bandar tuh, derang shouldn't be getting that much money..huhu..
owh, btw, i thought you would be jealous sbb anak2 anwar ibrahim was at the MSD open house? no eh?

The Soundaholic said...


Saket hati membaca.
It's so political.


plato's disciples said...

our government is all talk no action.

and please rosmah tue is all crappy.

being a scholar is like a beggar. you live below average..explain how to live on 75 bucks every month...

rather than spending money asking all these politician wife giving speech why don't give us the money.

plato's disciples said...

our government is all talk no action.

and please rosmah tue is all crappy.

being a scholar is like a beggar. you live below average..explain how to live on 75 bucks every month...

rather than spending money asking all these politician wife giving speech why don't give us the money.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

hehe...jurai marah sampai keluar due kali tuh comment..ahah..

tapi mmg betol tuh jurai, all talk no action...

tapi asl ko cakap dapat 75 bucks sebulan je? sophomore eh?
