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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

English Havoc for minister

OK, despite the chaos of 11/10, I am not here to condemn the Malaysian government, nor it's policies. I'm sure many have done that already, and plus, me condemning the government now is (for me) not a situation I dare put myself in.

My friend showed me this video on YouTube. It's an amateur TV recording of an interview between the Information Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Zainuddin Maidin and Al-Jazeera. Enjoy.

Whilst there may be tons of reasons why he's the Malaysian Information Minister, I'm sure his proficiency in English and temperament management skills aren't one of them. Which really contradicts to what major qualities I thought would make a good information minister. But ya, since he's the minister, and I'm just plain rakyat jelata, my conscience is probably wrong here.

But heck, anyways, for a guy interviewed by the international press all the time, his proficiency in English is a disaster. English is, by all means, the lingua franca. He's in desperate needs to master spoken English. My God! You can't tell who's worse, Sammy Vellu's Malay or Zainuddin's English (and for that matter, compare Siti's as well). And mind you, I'm not saying my English is any better than his, but then again, he is the Information Minister of Malaysia!

His inability to hold his temper is nothing to be a proud of, too! He boiled and exploded during the Al-Jazeera interview, which, most probably, led to his inability to talk fluently.

And him accusing other nations this and that really surprised me. How absurd! I really didn't see that coming. I wonder what Myanmar, Burma and Pakistan would think about those improper remarks.

That's probably about what I can come up with regarding with foulness. And may I remind the readers that my intentions are not to condemn the government nor it's policies. Not is it about politics. Case closed.

p/s: In case you can't make out the words the minister was uttering, as I'm sure many of us don't, click here. It's under About This Video section.


Anonymous said...

takleh pakai ni menteri cakap cam ni..
memalukan malaysia betol!!

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

haha..kesian die ko cakap die cam tuh..haha

Masita M. said...

hahahhahah.. lawak siot

Masita M. said...

english aku teruk jugak tapi betullah kau cakap: he is the Information Minister of Malaysia. huhu

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

tau takpe masita..
die minister, kite rakyat jelata je, orang kebiasaan..heheh...
takpe la english tak bagus pon, bukan keluar tv.

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine, who listened to the YouTube video, remarked that the voice resembles more like a roadside mamak cendol (in its rawness, crudeness and unpolished form) than a federal minister. what a shame!

Irwan H. said...

His English cracks me up (hope the minister is reading this). I can really, really say that my English is DEFINITELY better than his. Am I going to jail for saying that? "Why is this protest illegal?" wasn't answered.

I wonder what schemes the government has left in their pockets to screw the citizens over in the future. And, by "screw" I mean embarrass us.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

hehe..aku pon pk english aku lagi bagus kot dari die..
klu bukak you tube, al-jazeera ade interview khari and nazri plak.. ni link die:

Anonymous said...

Sian dia semua orang komen English dia. So I don't have to elaborate on that. I'd just like to comment on his lack of judgment and reason when answering the questions posed by Al-Jazeera. It just shows how democratic, professional and ethical a minister in Malaysia is. Tambahan pula, he's the Information Minister, who is supposed to be delivering reliable and accurate information effectively to the local and global masses. What a shame.

And doesn't he know that Burma and Myanmar are the same thing?

Anonymous said...

heheh... i always thought that burma and Myanmar are the same country Zam cast doubts on me..hehe..

plato's disciples said...

His answer is pathetic and irrational. His response was illogical and doesn't even answer the questions.

In summary,he embarrassed me as a Malaysian and make me think I can be a better minister than him.hahaha

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

hehehe... it was really shameful..
memalukan betol
