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Friday, October 19, 2007

Giving up so soon?

In this hard, never easy world that we live in today, life is so competitive. You slack, you lose. It's that simple to fail.
Now let's not go to that extent.

And thus, with all this pressure, it's also so easy to give up and pull the curtain down on ourselves. But that shouldn't be the case. We run, we fall, we pick ourselves up, we dust off ourselves clean. Then we continue running. We don't stop there. We don't pick ourselves up and sit down, or just walk. We run! Yeah, like hell we run!

Think about this: A baby whose just learning to walk. Obviously he's doing something completely unfamiliar to him. It's damn hard for him! His legs are weak, they tremble with each step he takes. He may fall sometimes, and pick up a couple of bruises along the way.

But each time a baby falls, do you see him giving up? Do you see him throwing the towel and just decide not to learn to walk anymore? Check this baby:

He's falling right, ain't he? But just look at how big the smile he's got taking up his face there! I'm pretty sure that after that he'll just pick himself (or with the help of somebody) and continue walking again. And that's how the cycle goes for a baby until he actually knows how to walk.
The point I'm trying to bring out now is that, we should actually learn a point or two from this baby walking story. Sooner or later, after all those falls, after all those cuts and bruises, a baby would eventually walk, and better yet, they even start running! I mean, you don't see a grown up guy on a wheel chair and can't walk because he gave up walking during his baby years do you?

Let's learn something here, people! Hooray to the babies!

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