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Monday, September 10, 2007

This is so not Malaysia like

So they make us believe that Malaysia is a peaceful country. Take a look at this. And this, and this.

Two civilians were badly wounded when they were shot with live bullets from a police officer. And Berita Harian's title on this incident '4 polis cedera rusuhan di Kuala Terengganu'. I mean, wth? They decide to highlight the fact that 4 police were very2 slightly injured, and not the fact that the police shot two people. Stones and bullets aren't two equally matched weapons. Of course, the one with the bullets would win. Kalau yer pon gian sangat nak tembak, gune peluru getah sudah, dah cukup sakit dah, takyah la kot gune peluru hidup.

Berita Harian continues, "Melihat keadaan yang semakin tegang, polis mengambil pendekatan berundur bagi mengelakkan perkara lebih buruk berlaku, tetapi keadaan itu diambil kesempatan oleh perusuh untuk memusnahkan harta benda awam termasuk mencabut pokok hiasan, pasu bunga dan lampu isyarat."

1. Any rationally minded person would choose peace over a war. If so the police really did retreat, I don't think anybody would want to go pick a fight with them, especially ones armed with live bullets. This is just BS.

2. There's no actual proof that the rioters were the ones doing all the damages to the 'harta awam'. Sure there are pictures all over of 'kemusnahan harta awam yg berlaku', but there aren't pictures of anybody doing it. For all we know, it might of been the police themselves doing this and blaming others.

This is just insanity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd agree with your point. It's all BS
