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Monday, August 27, 2007

My thoughts on Sufism

First and foremost, I'm not here to condemn Sufism and what it believes, for I know, with the level of knowledge I have, I'm in no position to do so. My intention here is just to give an opinion about this issue. Sorry in advance should I offence anyone.

According to Wikipedia, however relevant it maybe, Sufism means: a mystic tradition within Islam and encompasses a diverse range of beliefs and practices dedicated to divine love and the cultivation of the heart.

I was reading a book entitled 'Kisah Rabi'ah Al- Adawiyah: Sufi Wanita & Aramo Cinta Ilahi', which was basically telling the story of the great woman Sufi follower, Rabi'ah Al- Adawiyah. Even though I haven't read even half of the book, there were some parts of the book that really caught my attention.

Part 1: Syah Ni'matullah (another sufi follower) when asked what mazhab he was following, replied (in a poetic manner). "Wahai orang lalai, mazhab ape yg mesti kupunyai? Aku punya mazhad dan ibadah tersendiri, jauh berbeza dari mazhab Syafi'i dan Abu Hanifah. Mereka semua menempuh jalan mereka sendiri, sementara aku menikuti jalan nenek moyangku". What? Following the way of your fore fathers?

And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger," they say, "Sufficient for us is that upon which we found our fathers." Even though their fathers knew nothing, nor were they guided?
Al- Maidah: 104

Part 2: The fact that most Sufis don't marry (including Rabiah Al- Adawiyah). Fact is, Islam, unlike other religions is a strong advocate of marriage. The Prophet (pbuh) has said "there is no celibacy in Islam".

And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought. Ar- Rum: 21

Part 3: According to the book, also, how relevant or not it maybe, at her prime, Rabi'ah forgot to love the prophets and condemn syaitan. In the book, Rasulullah came to her in her dream and asked her whether or not she loved him. She replied, " Wahai Rasulullah! Siapakah gerangan org yg tidak mencintaimu? Kecintaanku kpd Allah tidak memberi kalbu dah hatiku ruang utk mencintai segenap makhluk-Nya". Like, duh, everyone knows we're supposed to love the Rasul, and all beings as well.

Part 4: What's with the 'combine with Allah' stuff? A Sufis' desire is to achieve makrifat, a 'pertemuan dgn Allah'. And sometimes, according to the book, their love for Allah brings them to a thought that they can combine with Allah. Wow! I thought that was something from the Hindu teachings, moksha (if I'm not mistaken, do correct me if I'm wrong) where once you achieve this stage, you combine with God.



ajathajar said...

cool entry hubab!
aku x nah tau pn sufism tu ape b4 ni =p

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

hehehe... thanks.
