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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dark Matter

I'm kinda of familiar with black matter, a fictional substance in a few episodes of Smallville. It's black, some way liquidish, and was evil. And it came from outta space. I never thought there would be anything like that.

That's why I'm no scientist. There's no black matter, but dark actually does exists. Read here.

Currently work is being executed to build the deepest science lab in the world. The field of study: dark matter. The depth of the lab is 4850 feet, more than six Empire State Building, with it's deepest reaches being up to 8000 feet. Studies has to be done way down there because apparently, the highly sensitive detector used to study the matter would be bombarded by cosmic radiation if used at ground level. Read more here. Further reading taught me that the study of black matter is important, as, among others, would allow scientist to conclude whether the universe is expanding of contracting. How these things add up are way being my imagination.

Which makes me think, how and where do these people come up with stuff like this? Quantum physics has never been my subject of interest, and the discovery of black matter, as interesting a it sounds, might just be something I will never get a full grip of. Nor am I trying to. But really, how do people actually think of something that they can hardly be seen?

I'm not denying the existence of black matter or any other quantum physics theory. It's not in my capability to do so. But this just proves the existence of the Mighty One. When will they notice?

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