Search ...I'm Outta My Mind...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Welcoming Myself to Adulthood

As I wonder endlessly in search for job opportunities in the web, one thought has been ever circulating my mind. I am entering adulthood!

I graduated in May with a Bachelor's Degree in Chemical Engineering. They say time flies really fast when you're having the best of times. My four years in Vanderbilt has surely been a zip. Heck, I can hardly believe than I'm already 22!

So now it's not just time to grow up, it's time to be a grown up. Time to mature. Time to look at the world as it truly is. I just concluded yet another chapter of my book called 'life'. And now a new one begins.

I look forward. It's now about time to hit the ground running!


Anonymous said...

bila nk kawin weh....

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

hahha.. aku bagi range die yer. in 1-5 years. aci?

kraihan said...


bola sepak said...

1-5 years?...nak smbg blaja dulu baru kawen ke?

hubab said...

ape kenyit2 mata kak raihan? hahha..
bola sepak tuh sape? hasan eh? haha.. sambung belajar? ntah, not really likely kot.. tapi kene r kumpul duit gak baru leh kawen.. lol..
