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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Giving free condoms? -What next, my beloved Malaysia?

I love Malaysia, really, no kidding. I was born there, spent more than half my life there and my family and friends are there. So, there shouldn't be much doubt of my love for this country.

The government of Malaysia? Me no like!! They've done many things which I think aren't appropriate and not for the good of the country.

I wass shocked when I read the news about the idea of giving away free condoms to drug addicts.

'PROGRAM kerajaan memberi jarum suntikan dan kondom percuma kepada penagih berniat ikhlas membendung penularan penyakit berjangkit seperti HIV/Aids dan tidak wajar dituduh sebagai amalan bersubahat menghalalkan perlakuan zina. '

You make me laugh! There's lots of ways to prevent HIV from spreading. And you don't have to go to the extent of distributing free condoms. You give away free condoms, and they'll give you a whole new dimension of social problems.

And then, if HIV just don't stop spreading, what's next in line?


The Soundaholic said...

aku yang duk mesia ni pun tak pernah dengar of such news. Heh.

But no doubt the very idea of it is just preposterous!

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

it was in the papers, i read it off berita harian.
