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Monday, April 16, 2007

A Blog About Blogs

I've been in Nashville for two years now (well, almost). And if it's one thing that I find almost every overseas based Malaysian student have in common is the fact that they have blogs. Including me.

Now we may have blogs for different reasons, and for some, probably even had them back in Malaysia. I had mine here in Nashville over a year ago. My father was the one who encouraged me to start one. He told me that it would enhance my English skills. And true enough, I do feel that I'm getting better and better over time. Bukan nak perasan di sini yer, so don't get me wrong.

Here's the deal. When you blog, you would of course want to write things that others would care to read about, which are interesting things, to start with. What's the point of writing if there's no one to share it with? (That's unless you want to keep a personal, diary like blog.)

To know what people want to read, you yourself have to start reading. That's where the education process starts. But then again, reading alone won't do you much good if you don't act upon of what you've learnt. 'Ilmu tanpa amal ibarat pohon rendang tanpa buah,' that's a quote I've heard of the years, or it goes somewhat of that manner. So why not blog what you've learnt? Not only can you exercise your thoughts and knowledge, you can share it with others. And the fun part is when you can add your own spice to it. And it really is fun, no kidding!

So, if blogging is really this good, why not everyone blog? I don't know about you guys, but most of my friends in Malaysia just don't blog. Why is that the case? Shouldn't they be learning English to? What better way is there to make you read tons, practice what you've read, twist it to your flavour and then share it with others, other than by blogging? Well, I don't know.


The Soundaholic said...


trust you to come up with something like that.

and heyy, a lot of my friends here in Malaysia blog what... but of course, only the English speaking ones. I do have friends who blog in Malay, it's damn cute and funny but haha. A bit weird lor.

So yea, it's true blogging does benefit you. (For me it's just a space to ramble about). And reading blogs is fun too ;)

Anonymous said...

Hubab, haha, ala. I feel, really, useless now. What I blog has nothing to do with other people, or life as a whole for that matter. But somehow I think some people might just be interested in my life. Kot. But you're right la. I should start blogging intelligently, but then it'll sound stupid and macam, pointless because I'm not feeling it. Ala :( You intelligent people......

(haha, ok, no hard feelings. If someone's offended, it should be me yang terasa)

Ala sedih.

farhan said...

mmmmmmm.....true in a way but dnt be's individual's disretion what method they choose to improve their english m blogging is mere one of the thousands ways to do it....n not all pple are eloquent as u to enthrall reeaderrs...mentang2 what im rambling abt in my blog is so darn boring...even though u didnt refer it(hopefully) to me but terasa laaa..hehehe...but yr blog is good...keep it up

Anonymous said...

wowo..that blog entry wasn't meant to offend anyone. sorry2 very2 much klu silap..

firstly, i didn't say anything about not blogging about yourself. who am i to choose what to write and what to not write on other people's blog? with all due respect, you have 100% control of what you want to say in your blog.

i just gave an opinion on what to blog about and how to get started to people who probably wants to blog, but don't blog because they don't know what to write about (maybe). So please2, jangan la terasa. it makes me feel bad. i feel bad already.

ok, farhan. now for you.
again as i said earlier, it was just an opinion from me. i don't think i was self-opinionated there. i was just practising my freedom of speech.

and sure, blogging is just 1 of 1000s of ways to improve english. i never mentioned blogging as the only way. I just said that blogging is a really2 good way to do so.

and the ability of enthralling readers in not something you gain overnight. and this is not to say that i have that ability. no way! sometimes i feel like i'm just mumbling pointlessly in my blog.

and please again, this blog entry wasn't meant to compare who's blog is more superior over others. I never meant to do so, so sorry banyak2 if in anyway, it seemed to be the case.

so farhan pung, jangang la terase weh. aku dop kutuk nye mung, kecuali bende alah ricky martin ngn salman khan yg berlaku mase form 2 tuh..hehe..sorry dude.

and mazidah, you seem to be the only one to capture my points. at least there was somebody yg tak terasa. bagus2.
