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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Leading a Healthy Lifestyle

Basically, the people of this world can be categorized into 3. The Fat. The Skinny. Or The Fit. Which one are you?

The Fat

Everyone knows that being fat isn't the healthy way to be. It's doesn't look right, it doesn't feel right, coz it ain't just right! I would guess that fat people are those that have a Body Mass Index (BMI) higher than that recommended. You can check your BMI by some simple calculation or if you're too lazy (I know) you can just calculate online at this website. (You can calculate a lot more than just your BMI here). There are of course other ways to determine whether you're fat or not, and if you're not happy with the 'accuracy' of the BMI method, feel free to try others.

There are many negative effects of being fat (and PRAY you're not obese) that I shall not name all. But to name a few, there's diabetes, heart diseases, high blood pressure, etc.

The Skinny

You're still not safe by merely being skinny. You might look a bit right-er than the fat, but you're still not quite there. I would say skinny people are those that fall short of the recommended BMI. I understand that people are just happy to be skinny, especially Malay girls (yes, I'm sorry) but as I mentioned above, that doesn't categorize you as being healthy, yet. I also notice this popular saying (among girls especially), "Buat ape ko nak exercise, ko kan dah kurus," (Why exercise, you're skinny already). That is surely not the right attitude.

The Fit

…and healthy. This is where you wanna be categorized in. Normally, the fit would have a BMI within the recommended range.

So how do you become fit? By exercising and dieting of course. But let me tell you this; it's easier said than done. This is because to be consistent in both is difficult indeed. You'd need discipline, courage, enthusiasm and a strong mind to succeed. And let me tell you something else; like anything else, the fruit is sweet and worth it.

But don't get me wrong here. I'm not asking you to hit the gym, although that is surely a very good option. By exercising, I mean (besides hitting the gym) by playing sports, swimming, running, jogging, or heck, even walking. You need to burn calories. Burn the fat. Ah, and one thing about burning fat is that, unlike muscles, you can't target specific areas where you'd like to burn. You can't say I want to get rid of my buncit and start doing sit ups. It doesn't work that way. You have to indulge in cardio exercises (swimming, running, etc) to burn your fat gradually from your body. So there are tons of ways to exercise (did I mention yoga and Tai Chi?). It's only a matter of pick and choose.

Alas, don't forget the diet. Because, contrary to popular belief, without the right diet, you can't quite reach it. You need to eat the right things, things that are healthy, which would give you the right amount of energy to drive you in your daily routines. And by healthy, it's not only about eating vegetables. It's about eating a complete and balanced all round diet, one that corresponds with the food pyramid. Rule of thumb is simple: To lose weight, eat less calories than you burn, and vice versa. Even in Al-Baqarah , "Eat of that which is lawful and wholesome (healthy) in the earth..." By simply eating chips and drinking Coca-Cola won't do you good.

This brings me to another point. People of the past, i.e. during the time of the Prophet, must have had really healthy lifestyles. Else, at 60, they won't be able to go to war, walk the burning desert, or go dakwah so successfully. Their secret: eating right and exercise. Sure back then there weren't the push ups or jumping jacks that we have come so fond of now, these guys just had less of doing nothing. They don't sit around as much as we do, they don't sleep a lot, and yes, they pray. A lot! Which, for obvious reasons, is a way of exercising.

And now, for why is it important to be fit and healthy? The reasons are obvious. Exercising and eating right decreases your chances of falling sick. Your cholesterol level decreases, your body fat percentage decreases, and you become stronger both physically and mentally. You become more confident and satisfied of yourself. And if health benefits isn't enough to convince you to exercise, then what about the attraction of the opposite gender? Exercising will tone your muscle, giving your body the shape that everyone desires, both for male and female. No more beer bellies, flabby arms and legs or out of proportion body parts, and heck, no more plywood figures. If these two still won't encourage you, then I say no more.

I rest my case.


Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

Before people jump to accuse me this and that, I'd like to make it absolutely clear that I'm not attacking anyone with this post, including malay women (even though I'd hope my two siblings read this).

It's just something that I believe should be encouraged to the people today. Health quality is fast deteriorating.

syamir said...

whoa defensive di situ bang


Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

ahahha.. syamir wa ghulam..lame tak dgr kaba.. ko ape cite? lol.

anyway, terpakse. sbb slalu je malaun mane ntah anonymous akan kutuk2 aku.. haha

The Soundaholic said...

Salam Hubab,

Hehehe, I clearly understand why you'd make it very clear you're not trying to attack anyone - as I can imagine some people reading this probably boiling up over what you just said.

But I agree with you 98%. Yes, living life the healthy way is definitely the way to go, i.e. eating healthily, reducing sodium and fat intake, exercising regularly, etc. All of this is important for your heart, your muscles, and like you said, your brain - and of course, your body in general. Keeping up with the healthy lifestyle is also proven to help preventing Cancer, so why shouldn't we want to live this way, right?

However, the whole fit/skinny/fat issue is so arbitrary nowadays that it's hard to place yourself in one category. For instance, Asians have a lower "normal" BMI range compared to Caucasians... and a BMI of 23 may be high for an Asian person, but normal for a Caucasian person, for instance.

And I also cannot agree on the "attraction from the opposite sex" based on how much you weigh and what your BMI is. If everybody were to think that way, fat/skinny people would probably never procreate or find love! The fact that people today pay so much emphasis on that is what makes our society judgmental and unforgiving, especially if you're a chunky kid growing up.

But I digress.

I know the main message to send across here is to live healthier, and I applaud you for shouting it out, because indeed, people should start realizing this and understand that the best cure for diseases nowadays is preventive actions, such as the one you suggested. Well done!

P/S: Sorry berjela-jela hehe.

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

hehe.. i welcome comments coming from people like you. it's comments from people yang mmg cam ade unsur2 berbaur grudge towards me which i don't really like. lol.

anyway, yes you're right about the bmi thingi. and yes, i agree it's my bad that I classified people such and such. It was mainly due to the fact that I didn't really know how to classify. That's why I said in the post, 'I would guess...'. But it seems wrong, so sorry. And I would think that, no matter how much people may tend to not admit it, deep down they now when they're fat/skinny etc.

And regarding the attraction part. That point was just for cases where and when 'all else isn't enough to convince you to be fit and healthy'. Different people respond to different things. For instance there's some people out there that are repulsive to what people think about them.

What ever the reasons are, the important thing is that people stay fit and healthy.

but thanks maz. Budak vandy eh?

The Soundaholic said...

Adoi la Hubab. I went to school with you 4 years man :P

Hate that other name they called me in school though, I never use it outside of school ever, and I'm glad that's all over and done with :P

lololololol. Nak tergelak, the fact that you didn't realize it was me hahaha :P

plato's disciples said...

Ahaha I think hubab kan, kau kena guna term flabby skinny..because most of malay girls camtue..

p/s: are you having lunch ngan us this weekend?

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

heheh.. yup, maybe. sbb most people may look skinny, but they body fat banyak. so jadi la flabby2 kot.

anyway, ni sape? siapa us tu?

kl said...

woa..suka2 je "most of malay girls camtu"...
