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Saturday, May 9, 2009

I've Made it!!

5/8/2009- I am officially a Vanderbilt Alum.

A post and pictures of my graduation is set to come. Do wait people!!


Asmawi Mohamad said...

Congratulations. Time really does fly. I thought it was only yesterday that we all sent you to the airport. Or was it two weeks ago that I sent you some Oreos to your SMSD dorm?

One is out and 7 more to come, including the eldest bird now in hibernation somewhere in a gloomy hospital hallway in Preston. Time better flies much faster lest I might feel like it takes ages to get all these birds out from the nest. And I am telling you, these birds come in many colors of feathers. So its not that easy to care. I need all sorts of four letter words to make them moving: Sabr, Love, Luck, you name it!


ajathajar said...

congrats hubab =)

hubab said...

heheh.. thanks abah.. yup, time does fly so fast.
thanks hajar..

ayah la said...

Big CONGRATULATIONS to you. Chemical engg is the toughest in all engineering fields. The first chemical engineer in the family.

Plan your career carefully.

Anonymous said...

tahniah jay.didoakan jadi seorang engineer yang cemerlang.Kami tunggu jay balik dan dapat join kenduri biju nanti.. bertambah meriah la..... alhamdulillah. Semua sepupu tunggu nak bkumpul.


Abdul Azim said...

wah dah grad..cpt yg jeles ni..hehe..
Alf Mabruk meaning - congratulations Munzir..bila balik Mesia nnti?

Smoga bila balik nnti dpt berbakti kpd Islam n ummah..

p/s: kim salam kat hasan n kirimkan tahniah utk dia jgk from me..

kak raihan said...

