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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My 10 cents on the New Parliment

This may be a bit late. I have been quite in the dark regarding politics in Malaysia for some time now. Nothing near to the almost daily updates come PRU 12 last year. But well, here goes.

So sometime last week, our new esteemed PM, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak announced his newly elected cabinet members. And here it is.

There's not much for me to say right now, because as I mentioned earlier, this whole thing is still a bit a blur to me, but what's obvious is that a couple of senators were elected as Ministers, and a few more as deputy ministers.

And so I sense a bit of a disrupt among the BN ranks with the announcement of the new cabinet. Some claim the allocation of the ministers weren't fair, that there were not enough of their party's representative in the cabinet, and what not. Read from BH. There's nothing new with this. It's always as usual. Once a new PM rises, they rid of the old guys people, and instill some of their own. It's called cronyism. What's new with that?

Oh, I smell rotten fish!!

1 comment:

Ashwaq said...

posengg kaghak
