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Friday, August 31, 2007

Selamat Ulang Tahun Kemerdekaan ke-50, MALAYSIA!!

And I quote, "Merdeka, merdeka, merdeka!!" - Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj, Dataran Merdeka, 31st August, 1957.

It's been 50 years now. 50 years of development, 50 years of prosperity, 50 years of peace (apart from 1969).

One way or another, Malaysia has went through a lot. And one might argue also that Malaysia is yet to develop to it's full potential. And I must say, it's true to every word. As long as there is hate, corruption, back stabbing and biting, racism, political instability, literacy, and all those other nonsense, Malaysia will never break out of the Third World cluster it finds itself in still. And as much as they want us to believe, Malaysia is no Islamic country.

But on this fine day, let's all hope and pray for the better of the country. Ameen.

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