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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Princess's Legacy Continues

I was going through ebay today and caught this very big auction they were having. Item of auction: Princess Diana Catherine Walker Designer Gown.

I was like, WOW! As of from the time I'm writing this post, there's still 18 hours of auction time. The starting price is $125000. I'm sure by tomorrow all those I-can-by-anything-I-want type of people will be rushing in trying to bid this lovely gown. And who knows what price it would be sold. I'll update later on that.

It's funny sometimes to think why people with so much money buy. I mean, heck, why buy these sorts of stuff? Is it just for the sake of buying? Because you don't have anything to buy? There's plenty of ways to spend money beneficially, not just buying gowns from somebody who's long gone. Sure some portion of the money gained from the gown would go to charity, but seriously, just how much is that portion?

Here's the link to the ebay auciton.


Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

so it turned out that no one bidded for the princess's gown. Too bad. I mean, people bought a wig made out of Britney Spear's hair for a million, so it was shocking no one bought gown.

nfar87 said...

well i think org yg jual ni kene buat auction kat somewhere yg grand where all those 'kaya nak mati' people would come... org2 kaya yg dah tua tak surf ebay kot..hehe

Masita M. said...

itu lah hubab.. cantik je aku tengok.. huuhhu

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

agak la kot, kene buat auction tuh kat tempat2 hebat skit, hotel ke.. ni buat kat ebay, orang mude2 je pon kot yg gune..

too bad..

nfar87 said...

ape kata kau beli kan utk aku? hihihihi

Hubab Al Munzir Asmawi said...

hahaha.. in your dreams..
