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Thursday, November 4, 2010

I'm on Twitter

The lack of something to do today in office has lead me to join Twitter and write 3 blog posts, including this one, albeit being short, short posts.

So follow me tweet in Twitter!

Joining the Cause

The government's decision to build the 100 storey Mega Tower called the Warisan Merdeka is very much indeed worrying to say the lease.

That's why I'm joining the cause to support and promote the 1M Malaysians Reject 100-storey Mega Tower fan page on Facebook. Check out the box I attached at the bottom of the blog.

That's why, come next general election, InsyaAllah I'll be voting.

Come on fellow countrymen, lets make a change!

Monday, November 1, 2010

P90X Phase II

I'm entering Phase II of my second round of P90X, and here are my results so far.

Body Fat: 9.4%
Weight: 127lbs
Chest: 32.75'
Waist: 28.25'
Hips: 36.5'
Thigh: 19.25/19.5'
Arm: 12.5/13

I think on one of the body fat calculations, I miss calculated something. I don't believe I drastically decreased my body fat that much in just 1 month.

I figured I mistakenly calculated my 'before' body fat percentage.
